Turn a new page, tear the old one out

Total Credits: Required – 100.00 Earned – 101.00 Remaining – 0.00
Total GPA: 3.517

10 Years after I started, I finally have a degree! If anyone has been paying attention, a year ago I decided to finish my degree. No pressing reason to I guess, it was just something I regretted never actually finishing. Unfortunately, because so much time had passed many of my credits from long ago didn’t count anymore. So I basically still had a year left. I set myself a goal of being done in a year, and I actually hit it. So for the past year I’ve been working 40-50 hours a week and taking 14-17 credit hours. To say I didn’t have much of a life is probably an understatement. I’m not really sure I’ll know what to do with all my free time this summer. Thursday I take a Cisco certification exam, then I’m done with studying. Eventually I may go on to get a 4 year degree… maybe in another 10 years though.

So, next chapter? I have no idea. Assuming I pass this exam Thursday (and I should) I’ll have:

  • 10 years experience as network administrator
  • AAS Computer Information Systems/Network Engineer
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate
  • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

Actually, I’m not sure if my MCSE is still valid – I’ll have to look into that. Too many of my exams might have been retired by now. That’s actually a pretty decent looking resume I think. I think I’ll relax for a couple weeks… maybe take a nice vacation this summer. Then I’ll tighten up the resume and see where it leads me. Know anyone hiring?

Why can’t gum companies just say what flavor you’re buying? Had I known “Midnight Cool” actually meant “black licorice” I wouldn’t have bought the crap! Damn you Wrigley!!! Stop trying to be cute and just name the stupid thing what it is.

Sigh… more stupidity requires my attention. Guess I’ll have to write the rest later.


Picture of Rainbow
I took this picture last Wednesday with my camera phone. You could actually see the rainbow from end to end, and there was a slightly dimmer one above the one you can see here. Just thought it was kind of neat. This and the lightning shot are probably two of the cooler images I’ve ever captured with my phone 🙂