It’s all very confusing. Yes, I know, none of this will be interesting. But the three of you that read this don’t come here for humor, literary masterpieces, or entertainment… I gotta give ya something.
Dremel rotary tool has to be in the top 25 inventions of all time. You can do just about anything with them. I’ve used mine to install a camera in my helmet, cut a notch out of a door, sand stuff, cut stuff, grind stuff, drill stuff. Love it.
So anyway, I bought this Dremel Router Table thing. It seemed like a great idea. Well the thing has some serious design flaws. First of all the arm that hold the tool isn’t as sturdy as it probably should be. Second, all the sawdust from the piece you’re working on fall right down into the tool. I don’t think it’d be that hard to have the router bit have a flat disc at the bottom that would help cover the gap. I burnt up 2 Dremels trying to use this stupid thing. Hate it. Don’t buy it.
Dremel gives you a 5 year warranty, but I had no receipt for it (was a gift about 4 years ago) But I decided to send it to them anyway. I sent a little note expressing my extreme dissatisfaction, explaining the flaws I saw in the stupid router table, and telling them what I’d do to fix it (I always have people who know nothing about my job telling me how to do my job, I thought I’d try it once.) It was delivered to their service center Monday morning. Wednesday when I got home from work, there was a brand new one sitting on my front porch. Rock.
Oh, in case you’re wondering about the second one I destroyed – I had bought that one after the first one bit the dust. I just returned it to the store a day later.
In other news… I have a new phone. Well, it’s the same phone, but hopefully this one actually works better.