One Week

I actually went a whole week without updating this. I’m so very sorry.

However, if you rely on my pathetic little website for some form of entertainment, you need to get a life.

People in general piss me off. One of the things they do that really gets to me is drive. When I start my own country, you’ll have to pass a grueling driver’s test. None of this simple drive-between-the-cones crap. Things to be included in the test:
* Must be able to demonstrate knowledge that the left lane is for passing. Slower traffic, move right.
* Must be able to take a curve or interstate ramp at or above the ‘suggested speed’ – conditions permitting.
* Must be able to make a left turn at a stop light without allowing more than a 1.5 car length gap to open up between them and the person turning left in front of them (may adapt this for even going straight through after the light has turned green)
* Obstacles will be introduced when turning at a light, such as oncoming traffic and pedestrians – you must start your turn before the obstacle is completely free of the intersection by 100 yards.
* When merging, you must accelerate to the posted speed limit by the end of the ramp. If your car cannot accomplish this, you will not be permitted onto the interstates.

I’m working on a list of traffic laws as well. Top of the list is: If you kill a biker with your car, you cannot use any form of transportation other than a bike for the rest of your life – regardless of weather conditions.

I gotta run… I’ll share the rest with you later. Feel free to comment, and add your ideas.

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